Gallery November 2024

Judges: Ben Myburgh (WCC), Nerissa Naidoo (HCPS)

Top Images:

Top Junior: Scott Chalmers – Abbasinian Ground Hornbill

Top Senior Image: Shirley Gillitt – Dance Movement

Top Set Subject Image: Conrad Kelsey – The Trees and the Mountains

Gold and merit award images:

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AuthorCategory NamePhoto TitleAward 
Alex StewartMonochromeWorld Expo 75Gold 
Alex StewartNatureEtosha Pan ZebraSilver 
Alex StewartNatureRhino-17Silver 
Alex StewartSet SubjectHorses DrinkingGold 
Andrew PikeMarville ChallengeTo the centreGold 
Andrew PikeNatureBetter keep upGold 
Andrew PikeOpenOne dark and starry nightGold 
Andrew PikeOpenTwo treesBronze 
Andrew PikeSet SubjectThe processionGold 
Bee BrodieNatureFriends foreverSilver 
Bee BrodieNatureSome people say we are too closeGold 
Bee BrodieNatureOoops my skirtSilver 
Bee BrodieNatureGot something stuck in my toofSilver 
Ben MyburghMonochromeCrayonevangelistSilver 
Ben MyburghMonochromeZulanieSilver 
Ben MyburghMonochromeNoble warriorSilver 
Ben MyburghMonochromeHalloweenBronze 
betsy keeKZN Interclub Challenge Our AfricaCape columbineSilver 
betsy keeNaturehidden treasuresSilver 
betsy keeOpenKaroo storm Silver  
Buan StanleyMonochromeDressed for successGold 
Buan StanleyMonochromeAll monoSilver 
Buan StanleyMarville ChallengeMagic mushroomsGold 
Buan StanleyNatureEyes on the prizeGold 
Buan StanleyOpenmy happy faceBronze 
Conrad KelseyMonochromeThe WaveSilver 
Conrad KelseyMarville ChallengeTicketsSilver 
Conrad KelseySport and PhotojournalismGoing DownSilver 
Conrad KelseySet SubjectThe Trees and the MountainsMerit 
Conrad KelseySet SubjectDog WalkersGold 
Dave WickhamNatureJackal HuntGold 
Dave WickhamNatureHunting PairGold 
Dave WickhamNatureJuvenile Bateleur LandingGold 
Dave WickhamOpenKokerbomeSilver  
Elton BartlettMonochromeHilltop GiantSilver 
Elton BartlettNatureTra La LaMerit 
Elton BartlettSport and PhotojournalismSmoke OnGold 
Elton BartlettSet SubjectTwin Towers Of MzanziGold 
Este BlundellOpenPintail whydah femaleSilver  
Este BlundellSet SubjectMe and my reflectionSilver 
Este BlundellSet SubjectRedwing Starling BathtimeSilver 
Este BlundellSet SubjectReflection and non reflectionSilver 
Gen MacquetNatureBlack Rhino PairGold 
Gen MacquetNatureHyena PupGold 
Gen MacquetSport and PhotojournalismMasai ManSilver 
Gen MacquetSet SubjectEtosha ElliesGold 
Geoff FeldonMonochromeWatering the greenSilver 
Geoff FeldonMonochromeBerg streamBronze 
Geoff FeldonMarville ChallengeRock patternsSilver 
Geoff FeldonSport and PhotojournalismBunker shotSilver 
Gert Van Der LindeMarville ChallengeRamboSilver 
Gert Van Der LindeNatureLelkiewietSilver 
Gert Van Der LindeNatureYellow weaverMerit 
Gert Van Der LindeOpenStriped swallowSilver  
Howard GillittMarville ChallengePegsMerit 
Howard GillittNatureThe BossMerit 
Howard GillittNatureZebra disputeGold 
Howard GillittOpenEvil LookGold 
Howard GillittSport and PhotojournalismIts MineGold 
Jane SmithMonochromeIsland In The Mist On UllswaterGold 
Jane SmithOpenHighland CooSilver  
Jane SmithOpenLoch Linnhe At GlencoeBronze. 
Jane SmithSet SubjectSubtle Highland Reflections Gold 
Jen AdamNatureBack From A Mud SpaGold 
Jen AdamNatureThe LookoutMerit 
Jen AdamOpenA Kaleidoscope of DropletsMerit 
Jen AdamOpenRainbow Pencil RippleGold 
Jill FerrazMonochromeLanding gear readySilver 
Jill FerrazMonochromeGrungy tunnelSilver 
Jill FerrazMarville ChallengeRocks and IceSilver 
Jill FerrazNatureBeautiful HindGold 
Jill FerrazSet SubjectMirror imageGold 
Kazalette PikeKZN Interclub Challenge Our AfricaMOROCCAN SUNSETGold 
Kazalette PikeMarville ChallengeCENTRE POINTGold 
Kazalette PikeNatureSpeak no evilMerit 
Kazalette PikeOpenLADY IN BLUESilver  
Kazalette PikeSet SubjectReflectionGold 
Linda ScottCreative or Visual ArtColours of a new dayMerit 
Linda ScottMarville ChallengeGarden MonsterSilver 
Linda ScottOpenMy Little Patch of SunshineSilver  
Linda ScottOpenDreamy DaisyBronze 
Linda ScottSet SubjectDaisy Face ReflectedGold 
Malcolm ReevesMonochromeOn The Shore Of Lake WanakaGold 
Malcolm ReevesNatureDainty DrinkerGold 
Malcolm ReevesOpenShall I Or Shant ISilver  
Malcolm ReevesOpenThe Church Of The Good ShepherdGold 
Natascha RobinsonOpenOn Three RollSilver  
Natascha RobinsonOpenSplish SplashSilver  
Natascha RobinsonSet SubjectStreet ShadowsGold 
Natascha RobinsonSet SubjectTea or Coffee on OfferGold 
Neolen PillayKZN Interclub Challenge Our AfricaSiyabonga JesuSilver 
Neolen PillayMarville ChallengeGoth ConfectioneryGold 
Neolen PillayNatureA Fine SpecimenGold 
Neolen PillayNatureWeathered FeathersGold 
Neolen PillayOpenThank You HumansSilver  
Nicolette ForbesKZN Interclub Challenge Our AfricaNcema reed harvester iSimangalisoSilver 
Nicolette ForbesMonochromeCuesta del Obispo in the cloudsSilver 
Nicolette ForbesOpenOn the verge of adulthoodGold 
Nicolette ForbesOpenEinaGold 
Scott ChalmersNatureMountain Gorilla Bwindi NPGold 
Scott ChalmersNatureAbassinian Ground HornbillMerit 
Scott ChalmersOpenForest Tree FrogMerit 
Scott ChalmersSet SubjectJackal ReflectionMerit 
Shane NewmanMonochromeHusqvarna 80Silver 
Shane NewmanOpenDripping RocksSilver  
Shane NewmanOpenRock GroupsGold 
Shane NewmanSport and PhotojournalismKabuki MotorSportGold 
Sheldon BellingSet SubjectGlancingSilver 
Sheldon BellingSet SubjectIm Ready Silver 
Sheldon BellingSet SubjectImagenGold 
Shirley GillittCreative or Visual ArtDance MovementMerit 
Shirley GillittKZN Interclub Challenge Our AfricaSangomaGold 
Shirley GillittMarville ChallengeThree onionsGold 
Shirley GillittNatureTwo against oneGold 
Shirley GillittNatureArrivingMerit 
Tracey ZettlerOpenWhat you looking outBronze 
Tracey ZettlerOpenDancing just for youSilver  
Wendy FreerMonochromeAll steamed upGold 
Wendy FreerNatureLittle bee eaterMerit 
Wendy FreerSet SubjectHello thereMerit